Planting Echinacea and Rudbeckia


Echinacea are incredibly vibrant coloured cone flowers with giant heads on tall stems. Their bright colours will attract happy wildlife to your garden, as bees and butterflies love this plant as much as we do. Rudbeckia is another superb plant, with masses of large bright flowers produced from June right the way into Autumn and until the first frosts come. So impressive is the Rudbeckia Goldsturm variety chosen by Jeff, that it has received an award of garden merit from the RHS. These great perennials also come in other beautiful shades and are a must for the summer border.

Video Transcript

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0:02 So I'm going to say something now that's going to get the juices flowing the

0:07 adrenaline's going to start to course through your veins. Echinacea and

0:11 Rudbeckia. Now did that get you excited? well if it didn't it probably should

0:17 because I tell you what these are like a searchlight in your garden that's

0:23 Rudbeckia Goldsturm, and it is a beautiful thing

0:26 good I'll plug five and a half centimeter look at the roots on that

0:30 ready to go now I'm potting them on, these will go perfectly well outside if

0:35 your ground's ready and you're ready for a border these will go happily into the

0:40 ground but if you're not like me I'm going to pot some on, now a few

0:47 crocks in the bottom just to help the drainage. A multi-purpose compost, nothing

0:52 complicated, nothing special just a good multi-purpose compost, and all you've got

0:58 to do is pop that on now when they come they're nice and damp these are lovely

1:02 and damp they come in these beautiful blister packs and they're as good as you

1:06 could probably buy anywhere all you need to do is just check them if they feel a

1:10 bit a bit dry or they're going a bit dry just put them in a saucer of water but

1:14 while you ready have a cup of tea and they're ready to go in. You pop them on

1:18 now these are perfectly hardy they'll and that's that's all you've got to do

1:24 there's nothing complicated about it nothing difficult, that's all you need to

1:28 do I'll grow this on probably for about a month because there's still frost's around

1:32 but I'll just put me in a nice quiet corner somewhere out of really cold winds

1:36 and that type of thing now your board is not complete without Echinacea we always

1:40 call them Coneflowers Echinacea purpurea wonderful things pink petals great big

1:46 cone in the center grow for fun and really stand out in your boarder

1:50 fantastic Rudbeckia gold stem and Echinacea the cornflower beautiful great

1:56 big petals of pink and this Rudbeckia is like a searchlight in your

2:01 garden wonderful yellow, big Daisy flowers. You can't go wrong with these

2:05 that's why they're one of the top ten favourites, fantastic plants.

2:12 so this one's come out a little bit the kids next door outplayed I'll tell you

2:17 what it's grand but what can't you beat rudbeck is now the plug that are planted

2:23 in the potting shed has grown on looking really nice healthy plant these plants

2:27 are the same plug plants that are planted last year

2:29 rudbeckia goldstone going to look absolutely beautiful

2:33 but a close relative to that is echinacea now these things are just

2:39 about to flower these were grown on from last year I'm going to extend those as

2:43 well cuz they're lovely and echinacea cone plant they're beautiful the heads

2:48 will get nice and big you're probably four inches across

2:51 echinacea and gold stone a herbaceous border should not be without them

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Growing Guide

Advice on Echinacea

Learn how to grow your favourite echinacea with our handy growing guide! Perfect for new gardeners or experienced alike.