Can Gardening Be a Good Form of Exercise?

Posted by Shannen Godwin on 17th Jun 2021

Can Gardening Be a Good Form of Exercise?

Exercise is essential to everyday life. However, going to the gym every morning just isn't possible for many of us. To keep fit and healthy, all you need is 30 minutes of non-stop activity a day...

That's right. Just 30 minutes (or longer!) of gardening a day is enough to keep the doctor away. Activities such as weeding, mowing the grass, and planting bulbs can do wonders for the old ticker. Not only does it raise your heart-rate and gets your body pumping, but it also helps you get much needed fresh air and vitamin D.
According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, just 30 minutes of pushing the lawn-mower around the garden is just as vigorous as riding a bike or playing doubles in tennis. Perfect for those not used to more intense of a work out.

Like any workout, you want to make sure you're taking the necessary precautions before pottering in the garden. This includes light stretching and building up your activities from light to moderate to ensure you don't hurt or injure yourself. Any sudden movements or twisting of the body can cause more harm than good.
Gardening is a great form of exercise, and any amount of time you have in the garden is time well spent. Be safe when starting any task and always ask for help if you feel that you're over-stepping your abilities. Better to be safe than sorry later!