What We've Included
When to Plant | Where to Plant | How to Plant | When will they flower |
After Care | Common Issues | Inspiration
When to Plant
Geum can be planted either in spring or autumn. This is typically from January to April or after summer from September to December.
Where to Plant
Geums can be grown in almost any soil type but will absolutely thrive in acid or alkaline soils.
Ensure they’re positioned somewhere sunny, either in the flower bed, a hanging basket, or in a container. They can become scorched in hot conditions, so ensure they have somewhere shady to hide during these periods.
How to Plant
Planting Modules & Pots
Our modules and pots are incredibly easy to plant and grow! Whether you’re growing them directly outside into the border or in a container or keeping them indoors over winter, our modules are a breeze to care for from the moment they arrive.
1. Dig a hole in the border that’s big enough to house the entire module. If planting in pots, fill a large pot halfway with potting soil and then make several holes that can hold the modules. Do this until the top of the soil from the module is just below the top of the pot.
2. Fill around the modules with soil and firm them down gently.
3. Water well and you’re done!
Planting Loose Roots
Loose roots to beginners might sound intimidating but are in fact, incredibly easy to plant!
1. Soak roots in a bucket of water for 1-2 hours before planting.
2. Dig a hole in the border that’s big enough to house the root system. If planting in pots, fill a large pot halfway with potting soil and then pop the roots in with the crown pointing upwards and the root system pointing to the floor.
3. Plant in groups for a fuller display, usually in groups of 3, somewhere that gets plenty of sunlight.
4. Ensure the crown is just below the soil unless the plant has some leaves, in which case leave them exposed with the rest of the root system under the soil.
5. Water well once planted.
When Will They Flower?
Geums grown in the best conditions can flower for months on end. From April to October, you will see most varieties in full bloom. Regular deadheading can help prolong their display before they die back in mid-autumn.
After Care
When to water
Water geums well while they’re settling in, or if they’re grown in containers and hanging baskets. However, if they’re grown in the flower bed, geums can be quite low-maintenance and won’t need constant watering unless there’s prolonged drought.
Remove spent flowers to encourage new growth and reinforce stem strength. This will also help the plant thrive the following year.
Divide geums once every two to three years. If you avoid this task, the plants may become woody, and this could risk them flowering or even cause them to die back.
You can tell when a plant is in serious need of dividing when they start to look bare in the centre. Simply dig up outer growth and replant them somewhere else!
Common Issues & How to Solve Them
Geums are fairly problem-free, and you won’t have any issues with them.
However, geums grown in containers could see effects from vine weevils. You can tell if your plants are being targeted by these pests from the tiny notches taken out of foliage in spring and summer. Their grubs can also eat the roots, which causes the plant to die.
You can burn affected plants or treat them with nematodes. You can also buy a chemical specifically designed to kill vine weevils, but this can harm bees so consider all your routes before choosing chemicals!
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