Narcissus Pink Charm 12/14cm

Daffodil Pink Charm

From £6.99
Supplied as 12-14cm Bulbs
CODE B8586
Supplied as 12-14cm Bulbs
CODE C8586
12-14cm Bulbs
Delivery from late-August
Download our handy planting instructions PDF
  • Suitable for planting in sunny and partially shaded locations
  • Suitable for growing in pots and containers
  • Excellent for cut flowers
  • Spring flowering time
  • Green foliage colour
  • White flowering Colour

Availability to buy and flowering time

Available to Buy Flowering Time

Product Description

Narcissus Pink Charm is a fine pink narcissus that produces medium sized flowers in mid-spring. Each of its soft pink petal contrasts beautifully with the white and orange perianth that spouts out of the middle. Daffodil Pink Charm is perfect for growing en-masse through grassy areas, or in flower beds and containers. 12/14cm bulbs supplied.

Plant Size

Mature Height 50 cm
Mature Spread 10 cm
Plant Spacing 10 cm
Annual Growth 50 cm

Planting Notes

Planting Plant approx 10cm deep.
Soil Type Fertile, well drained soil

Growing at a glance…

Daffodils (or narcissi) are both easy to grow and incredibly reliable. Like many bulbs, it takes very little time to plant them. Remove any weeds in the area you'd like to plant your bulbs and dig at the soil to aerate it. Fork in some organic matter to improve the drainage and soil structure. Daffodils prefer sunny spots and well-drained soil, so keep this in mind when planting. Plant each bulb 2-3 times the bulbs height and place it with the shoot facing upwards. Space them twice their width apart. Cover with soil and water if the ground is dry.

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