Chocolate Board Recipe

Posted by Amber Williams on 25th Feb 2022

Chocolate Board Recipe

Nothing's more exciting than a charcuterie board at a party, or even just on a Wednesday evening. We don't intend to reinvent the wheel, but what if we told you your boards don't have to have just cheese?

A perfect option for any person with a gigantic sweet tooth, this chocolate board recipe will lead you to charcuterie board success, one worthy of an Instagram picture! 

Serves: 2-4 people

Prep Time: 10-15 mins


- Dairy Milk chocolate, cut into chunks
- 3 scoops of Nutella or chocolate spread, placed into a small serving bowl
- Strawberries
- Cherries
- Grapes
- Truffles (any will do!)
- Chocolate covered raisins and nuts
- Peanut butter cups (not necessary if allergic)
- Chocolates from a chocolate tray of choice


Placement is the secret of creating an insta-worthy charcuterie board. If your board is on the smaller side, prioritise main selections of chocolate and have things like fruit and sides in small bowls surrounding the board. 

Fruits can be dipped in chocolate spread or peanut butter, and you can even add some soft cheeses and crackers if you want a complete selection! 

You can include anything you like, it's all dependent on what you find tasty! We recommend making this board for any occasion like a birthday party or gathering, or even for a movie night with friends. 

Want to create something that feels more homemade? Why not try growing your own fruits? Our soft fruit plants are perfect for growing your own produce with ease. Ideal for gardeners of any skill, you can grow anything from Strawberries to Grapes! Shop our selection online today.