Posted by Amber Williams on 20th Apr 2023
How to Feed Birds & Wildlife In Your Garden
If you're an avid wildlife watcher, then this is the blog for you! Throughout the year, birds and other wildlife make their way from garden to garden, looking for goodies to keep them strong and to give to their young. Watching them thrive is half the fun - but helping them along the way can be just as exciting.
Whether you're after tips for feeding, or when to feed birds and wildlife, we've collected our best advice to help your local fauna put their best foot forward.
When to Feed Birds Throughout the Year
A common misconception about bird feeding is that it only has to be done throughout the spring when they're nesting, or that feeding can prevent migration. Hold onto those bird feeders throughout the year, especially in winter when resources are scarce.
Leave out feed throughout the year to give local birds the chance to survive and help their young thrive.
How to Feed Birds
Birds need variation in their diet throughout the year, depending on the season.
In spring and summer
Birds need a high-protein diet throughout summer. Leave out the following snacks for them to enjoy:
- Black sunflower seeds
- Soaked sultanas
- Raisins
- Grated cheese
- Mealworms
- Quality seed mixtures (without peanuts)
- Commercially sold fat balls (replace after three weeks)
In autumn and winter
Leave out food and water regularly, especially in harsh weather conditions. You could even feed them twice daily in winter - once in the morning and again in the afternoon.
High-fat foods are great for birds throughout winter, as it helps them survive cold wintery nights. This can include bacon rinds, grated cheese, and cut up pieces of fruit. Use high-quality scraps, removing them if they are untouched. Try to stick to a routine as the birds will get used to the times you leave out food and will visit you based on this.
Other Wildlife to Feed
Foxes and badgers aren’t fussy animals and enjoy a broad diet. Both eat earthworms, as well as berries and other fruits or vegetables. They’ll love your scraps!
Of course, inviting such animals to your garden can impact neighbours. Offer food they can eat immediately to help discourage them from digging up neighbouring gardens. Avoid over-feeding them as they could become dependent on you. You can also leave out bowls of water for animals, but make sure to clean them regularly to avoid the spreading of diseases.