How to Grow Camassia

Posted by Shannen Godwin on 17th Jun 2021

How to Grow Camassia

Have you bought yourself some Camassia bulbs but you're not certain on how to plant them? We've written this handy how-to guide to get you started!

Native to North America, the Camassia plant is an exceptional perennial. It's incredibly hardy and will grow in most conditions.

How to Plant Camassia Bulbs

Camassia is easy to plant and can be done by anyone. Simply dig a hole around 2-3 times the depth of the bulb and space them apart at twice the bulbs width. Cover with soil and water.

When to Plant Your Camassia

Plant your Camassia bulbs in early autumn. The start of bulb planting season is best (September - October). Camassia is the only bulb that doesn't mind being damp, so proper irrigation isn't completely necessary.

Where Should You Plant Camassia?

Plant your Camassia bulbs wherever you'd like around your garden. They prefer full or part shade areas, so plant your bulbs in places that are more likely to receive sunshine.

Camassia is a wonderful spring-flowering bulb and pairs wonderfully with its fellow spring flowers and plants. Plant around the garden for drifts of colour throughout your beds and borders during the season.

Shop our full range of Camassia online.