How to Store Your Bulbs Over Winter

Posted by Amber Williams on 8th Dec 2022

How to Store Your Bulbs Over Winter

Winter is upon us, and with it comes a few house keeping tasks that need doing before it's too late! Many bulbs and tubers can't withstand the cold winter weather, and may be damaged in the process. So, storing them somewhere dry and safe can save them from an untimely death - allowing you to replant them the following year! 

How to Lift Bulbs & Tubers 

Bulbs like tulips and tubers like Dahlias are best lifted before winter. Here's how to do it safely to avoid any damage. 

1 - Wait for all foliage to die back or brown before lifting. This helps the bulb to soak up all the nutrients they can. 
2 - Trim off any loose roots and remove flaking skin. Throw away any damaged bulbs. 
3 - Lay each bulb out, allowing them to dry for at least 24 hours. 
4 - Pop each bulb in a paper bag and label each one so you remember what they are come spring. 

Where to Store Bulbs & Tubers

Bulbs should be stored somewhere cool and dry over winter. This could be a greenhouse, a garage, a shed, or even a cool kitchen cupboard. Avoid keeping them somewhere that gets damp, like a basement. 

Quick tip: If you're storing spring-flowering bulbs over winter, then pop them in the fridge! Spring bulbs need about 6-8 weeks of cold to flower, and this can help them thrive once you plant them out in spring. 

Ready to shop bulbs and tubers? Our range is among the largest and most affordable on the market! Perfect for filling your displays in abundance - whatever the season! Shop yours today on our website.