What to do in the Garden in March

Posted by Amber Williams on 28th Feb 2022

What to do in the Garden in March

As March begins, we'll soon start to see the sun peep out from behind the clouds and watch as our favourite spring blooms appear! This month definitely sets the tone for the rest of the spring season, which is why you might be wondering what to do in the garden in March! 

Use this handy to-do list as a loose guide on what you can be getting on with through the next few weeks to get your gardens in tip-top shape. 

Pay Attention to Your Roses

March is a great time to start giving your roses some TLC. Over winter, they'll have withered and died back, but now is the time to prune them back before the summer months. March is also the optimum time to grow new rose plants and bushes. 

Plant Summer-flowering Bulbs

Summer-flowering bulbs like Lilies should be put in the ground from March, giving them plenty of time to establish their roots before the summer. Vegetables and herbs like peppers, runner beans, onions, chives, and kale should be planted throughout March also for harvest in the summer and into autumn. 

Tidy Up Those Borders

Now is the perfect time to dust your gloves off and prep your borders and containers for growing your favourite summer bulbs and plants. Get rid of things like weeds, till the soil, and deadhead any spent spring flower heads as they start to die off towards the end of the month (and into April). 

Lift Perennials 

Dividing perennial plants regularly ensures that they grow healthy root systems and don't get too crowded. If you've just planted your perennials in the last year, then skip this one out, but if they've been in the ground for 2-3 years then it might be time to see how they're doing under the soil!