What to Plant with Alliums - Perfect Partner Plants

Posted by Amber Williams on 22nd Sep 2023

What to Plant with Alliums - Perfect Partner Plants

As Alliums flower over a couple of seasons, this makes them the perfect flower companion to your late spring/early summer flowering plants!

If you’re at a loss for knowing what to plant with your alliums, then here are some of our top plants to pair them with for a long-lasting display.


Also known as Ornamental Sage, Salvias are a magnet for pollinators. The juxtaposition between the large globes and spire-shaped flowers is highly attractive. They also help bridge the gap between spring and autumn, as at least one of them will be flowering between this time.


Geums are hardy perennials, and as such, make for a perfect partner to the allium. As they can grow to roughly 50cm in height (depending on the variety), the similarity there makes a more cohesive display while offering different colours and shapes.


Verbascum is a summer-flowering perennial that produces spires of blooms, similar in shape to a hollyhock. They look superb in any seasonal display, and we highly recommend growing them with any of your intended alliums - especially if you're after the classic cottage garden aesthetic! 


Carex grasses are often evergreen, producing a range of tufted leaves and varying colours. Carex grasses are ornamental, and look superb in the flower bed, in a container, or even along a walkway. Carex comes in a range of heights, but many will look amazing with your new alliums.


Euphorbia, also known as Spurges, is a summer garden staple, adding vibrancy to the display. Their vivid shades look perfect with a selection of alliums and add colour to the summer garden for months on end.

Late Spring Flowering Bulbs

Many spring bulbs can flower later in the spring months, just like alliums do. Late tulips are a gorgeous partner with alliums, especially a compact allium. Irises can also make a wonderful partner plant, adding colour to the garden with ease.