Posted by Amber Williams on 3rd Oct 2023
Flower Seeds to Sow in Autumn
Autumn, next to spring, is one of the most popular seed-sowing seasons, especially for flowers. Plants that are native to colder climates are also perfect for autumn sowing.
If you’re wondering what flower seeds to sow in autumn, then you’re in luck! Take a look at our favourite flower seeds to sow throughout the autumn months.
Sowing Flower Seeds Indoors or Undercover
Non-hardy spring and summer seeds are best started indoors, as they won’t survive very long in frosty conditions. However, they can be started indoors or under cover (like in a cold frame).
Sweet peas – Although they’ll flower any time from June, sweet peas can be started from seed in October. Place them in a cold frame until spring.
Hollyhocks – Hollyhocks can also be started indoors or in a cold frame or greenhouse from October.
Aquilegia – Aquilegias are perfect for potting up throughout autumn, ready for when they flower from May.
Achillea – Achillea seeds are easy to grow, especially in autumn, giving them plenty of time to grow before they flower from June to September.
Bidens – Bidens are frost-tender summer flowering plants that are native to Mexico. That’s why, if you prefer to start your seeds off earlier, they should be kept indoors or in a greenhouse/cold frame until spring or after the last frost.
Sowing Flower Seeds Directly Outside
Hardier seeds can be sown directly outside in autumn. Here are our top seasonal picks to sow in autumn.
Cornflowers – Flowering from late spring to early summer, cornflowers are typically sown in late summer. However, you can also sow them in early autumn. We recommend scattering their seeds directly outside in the desired spot from October.
Wildflowers – Wildflowers are a beloved alternative to grass, and as such, their seeds can be scattered over the desired area from September to October. Avoid sowing them on heavy or waterlogged soil, though. The scatter system can be a bit hit-and-miss for wildflowers, so keep this in mind when planting.
Bishop's Weed – Also known as ‘Ammi majus’, Bishop’s Weed flowers in summer, but can be sown directly outdoors from September to October.
California Poppy – The Californian poppy is a bit more tender to frost and may need protection in northern areas. However, they can also be directly sown outside in autumn. Cover them with some horticultural fleece or a cloche if cold weather is forecast, just to be on the safe side.