Why are Pollinators so Important?

Posted by Amber Williams on 16th Mar 2022

Why are Pollinators so Important?

Pollinators are an important asset to any garden. As they carry the pollen from plant to plant, they provide an act of service, allowing the plants to thrive.

But what exactly makes pollinators so important, and why is it necessary for us to accommodate them when planning our garden displays?

What is Pollination

Over 75% of plants rely on wildlife pollination. Some hope for a bit of wind or rain to pick up the pollen, but as they can’t exactly move, that’s where bees and butterflies come in handy.

The act of pollination happens when the pollen is taken from the stamen (the male part of the flower) to the stigma (the female part of the flower). When this happens, it allows the plant to grow, produce new plants, or even grow fruits and vegetables.

Top Pollinators in the UK

When you think of pollinators, you might just think of bees. However, there’s plenty of wildlife that also pollinate your plants.

Butterflies, hover-flies, moths and even beetles can also help pollinate your plants, as they fly from flower to flower. Bees are just a small piece of the pollinator pie!

Protecting Busy Bees

Although many pollinators take pollen from plant to plant, bees are among the most efficient. As you may know, the bee population has taken a hit over the last few years, which makes it even more important for us to accommodate them in our displays.

Things like pesticides, a loss in their environment and even global warming has contributed to the rapid decline in the bee population. You might ask yourself “but what could I do?”. The answer: Grow gorgeous plants that are perfect for pollinators!

Here are some of the most perfect plants for pollinators, all of which you can buy on our website.