​Garden Trends for 2024 to Look Out For

Posted by Amber Williams on 15th Dec 2023

​Garden Trends for 2024 to Look Out For

As 2023 winds down and gardening activities slow down a bit, what else is there to do but dream of what we can achieve in 2024?! Like every year, we’re keen on following top gardening trends to help you grow the garden of your dreams.

Here’s what we know (so far) could be trending in 2024, helping you plan your spring or even your summer garden display.


First of all, what on earth is an edimental? To put it simply, an edimental plant is both an edible and ornamental plant that’ll add months of interest to your garden. They’re usually low maintenance and hardier to the elements. This includes plants like asparagus, currants, gooseberries, fruit trees and even shrubs.

Natural planting schemes

It’s no secret that gardeners have had a keen interest in naturalistic displays over the last few years – with no waver in sight. Natural displays concentrate on growing native plants, which naturally occur in our landscape, to get the authentic cottage garden display. With plants like viper's bugloss, primroses, honeysuckle, and even forget-me-nots to grow in the garden, your display certainly won’t be devoid of colour!

Drought tolerant plants

The last few years have seen rising temperatures over summer, with the need to adapt our gardens becoming more apparent year after year. As summers get much warmer than before, it’s important to know which plants to grow in your garden that will withstand heat and drought with finesse. Plants like SalviaOsteospermumGeums, and hardy geraniums are great examples of plants to grow in a sunny spot over summer, without needing to constantly water them.

Plants for pollinators

Giving pollinators a spot to unwind has been, and will continue to be, at the forefront of most garden displays. Adding in pollinator-friendly plants that give them a space to rest or gather is incredibly important, and it’s great to see this becoming a widespread consideration when growing a garden. You can read more about pollinators on our blog, with articles like ‘Why are Pollinators so Important?’ and ‘Perfect Plants for Pollinators’ to explore.

Is your garden planned and prepped for next year? Find everything you need on our website, from bulbs to perennials, to shrubs and trees, or even to root grow and seeds.