Seeds to Sow In May

Posted by Amber Williams on 3rd May 2023

Seeds to Sow In May

bright pink Zinnia 'Elegans' surrounded by green foliage

May has certainly crept up on us! With it brings a month that's full of planting opportunities, especially for seeds. If you're a seed lover, then this month will be chock-full of seed sowing and growing, giving you affordable colour this summer! 

Here's our list of seeds to sow in May, from fabulous flowers to tasty vegetables. 

Vegetable Seeds to Sow In May

a farmer woman harvesting cucumbers while holding a wicker basket full of them


Sweetcorn - Sweetcorn seeds can be planted in modules, which can then be planted outdoors after the risk of frost has passed. Why not give varieties like Sweetcorn Sundance a whirl?

Pumpkin/squash - Pumpkin and squash seeds can be sown under cover from May. 

Lettuces - Lettuces can be sown from May in modules. Keep them under glass and transplant them outdoors once the risk of frost has passed. Lettuce 'All Year Round' is a reliable choice that can produce crops throughout the year! 

Cucumbers - Sow cucumbers or gherkins in modules or individually in pots from May. Cucumber Spacemaster is a great crop to start with if you're new to growing cucumbers! 

Runner beans - Sow these undercover in module trays. They can then be transplanted outdoors after the risk of frost has passed. Why not start off strong with varieties like Runner Bean Scarlet Emperor?

Herb seeds - Herb seeds like sage, rosemary, thyme, and basil can be sown from May undercover. 

Directly outside

Beetroot - Beetroot and chard seeds can now be sown directly outdoors. Sow the seeds thinly in neat rows, spacing them about 30 cm apart. 

Broccoli - Sow seeds directly into the vegetable patch throughout May. Give varieties like Broccoli Purple Sprouting a try for a unique crop!

Carrots - Carrots can be sown directly outdoors throughout May. Do so in neat rows, spacing each seed apart by 2cm.  

Peas - Peas can be sown straight in the ground. However, if you have an issue with mice, starting them off in modules and then transplanting them into the vegetable patch will stop them from stealing the seeds. 

Parsnips - Sow parsnip seeds throughout May directly outside. Thin them to the strongest plant once they start to germinate. Parsnip White Gem is a great example of top-quality varieties you should grow in your veggie patch. 

Courgettes - Courgettes can be sown directly outside from May to June. Plants sown indoors can now be moved outside, once the threat of frost has passed. 

Flower Seeds to Sow In May

A faceless woman putting a label on a flower seed pot


Foxgloves - Foxgloves and Dianthuses are amazing biennials that can be sown from May into seed trays. 

Delphiniums - Perennials like Delphiniums (Larkspur) can be sown throughout May indoors, giving them a good head start to flower the following year (some can even flower their first year!). Try varieties like Larkspur Giant Imperial Mix for a striking summer display for years to come. 

Lupins - Similar to Delphiniums, Lupins can also be sown throughout May indoors. Give Lupin hartwegii Giant Flowered Mix a whirl to grow them for less! 

Aquilegia - Aquilegias are, again, impressive perennials that can be sown indoors throughout May. 

Directly Outside

Sunflower seeds - Sunflower seeds can be directly sown outdoors from May and into June, giving them time to grow before August! Sunflower Autumn Beauty and Sunflower Teddy Bear are the perfect varieties to start your displays off with. 

Nasturtium seeds - Sow these undercover or directly outside in borders and containers from May. 

Poppy seeds, Cornflowers, and Scabiosa seeds can be sown directly outside from May. They're perfect plants for attracting pollinators, too, so don't forget to give them a go if that's your goal! Papaver Corn Poppy RedCornflower Blue Boy, and Scabiosa Pincushion Mix are great options for your summer displays. 

Zinnias - Thanks to their Mediterranean roots, Zinnias will happily grow when sown in May. Scatter them across well-drained soil and cover them with a thin layer of multi-purpose compost. You can also grow them in containers if you're strapped for space! Zinnia California Giant Mix and Zinnia Elegans Thumberlina are some of our favourites to see in your summer gardens. 

Wildflower mixtures - Wildflower bombs or mixtures can be purchased at most supermarkets or garden centres, and are a great solution for easy gardening. Sow them directly outside from May and watch as they bloom in abundance.