Parsnip - White Gem

Pastinaca sativa 'White Gem'


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Approx 240 Seeds
Dispatched within 3 days*
Download our handy planting instructions PDF
  • Suitable for planting in sunny and partially shaded locations
  • Suitable for growing in pots and containers
  • Winter flowering time
  • Green foliage colour

Sowing and harvesting time

Sow indoors Sow outdoors Harvest

Product Description

Parsnip White Gem is a glorious crop that will be gorgeous in a roast! This reliable variety is a must for lovers of Parsnips, producing a high yield of crops throughout October and into February. Pull crops when you need them, as they can be harvested well into late water and beyond. Sow seeds directly outside from February to April.


*Please note: If your order contains only Seed products, then your items will be dispatched within three working days. If your order contains a mixture of plants and seed products, then your seed items will be dispatched with your first plant delivery.

Plant Size

Mature Height 45 cm
Mature Spread 30 cm

Planting Notes

Planting Sow thinly 5cm deep with 5cm between rows.
Soil Type Fertile, well drained, stone free soil

Growing at a glance…

Parsnips require deep, stone free soil. Plant somewhere that reaches sun or sits in partially shaded areas. Sow from Feb-Apr thinly 5cm deep deep with 5cm between rows. Germination rates are very dependent on weather conditions, but roughly they can take up to 3 weeks. When the seedlings are large enough to handle, thin to 5cm between plants. This crop requires very little attention other than keeping their soil weed-free. Harvest when the tops begin to die back. Parsnips are often sweeter after a frost, so it's often recommended to harvest after one!

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