When to Plant Rhubarb

Posted by Esther Roberts on 17th Jun 2021

When to Plant Rhubarb

Perfect for beginners, Rhubarb is a brilliant crop as it is so easy to grow and maintain. Both hardy and attractive, this crop is a versatile addition to your early spring/mid-summer garden.

If you've bought some Rhubarb and you're not too sure when, how or where to plant it, use this easy-to-follow guide as a reference for fuss-free gardening tips.

When to Plant Rhubarb

Rhubarb is an incredible hardy crop. It can be grown in various months throughout the year. If you prefer an early growth, you can 'force' your crowns to grow by covering with large pots.

To force, plant and cover in December to February. Otherwise, Rhubarb should be planted in Spring or Autumn when the soil is slightly warmer.

How to Plant Rhubarb

To force rhubarb, you can cover the crown of the plant with pots to cut off sun exposure. When the stems reach the top of the pot, it's time to pick.

For regular planting, position your crowns in a sunny or partially shaded area. Plant in rich and moist soil, prepared with plenty of manure and compost. Section 90cm apart for best results.

Where to Plant Your Rhubarb

Rhubarb can be planted in pots, but it will achieve best results when planted in vegetable patches with plenty of space. The area must reach plenty of sunlight throughout the season.

When growing rhubarb, it's important to know that you should not be ingesting or using the leaves in any recipes. They are highly toxic and should be disposed of in a compost heap after harvesting. However, the stems are the star of the show and can be used in plenty of recipes for wowing family and friends.

Shop our full range of Rhubarb online.