Posted by Amber Williams on 26th Apr 2022
5 Tips for Budding Foragers
For our ancestors, foraging was a necessity. Today, it's a way for us to connect with nature, allowing us to take our time and observe our surroundings.
When you know what you're after, you can find plenty of produce each season while out and about. However, if you're new to foraging, the whole concept might be quite daunting and can actually be quite dangerous if you grab the wrong thing.
Here are five top tips to get you started!
Get Permission to Pick
Public areas like footpaths are perfect for foraging and are often where you find fruits like blackberries. However, if you have your sights set on a foraging area that happens to be on private property, it's best to get permission from the land-owner before you start picking away.
Don't Be Greedy
When you find that perfect spot, don't grab everything you can see. Not only is it unfair and stops the next person from grabbing a few for themselves, but it's also just bad form. Only pick what you need!
Keep the Habitat in Tact
Another reason not to go crazy when picking your favourite wild herbs and fruits is that it can damage the local wildlife's chance for survival. While we don't depend on the local flora to survive, the local animals do. Avoid depleting their food completely, especially during the autumn and winter months.
Additionally, taking all the produce from one area can damage the original plant, stopping it from producing any further plants the following year.
Know Your Goods
Double, triple, quadruple check that you know exactly what you're eating before you eat it. Some plants may look very similar to potentially toxic dupes, ones that could make you quite ill. Before taking a bite of anything, ensure that you know for sure that it is what you think it is.
Keep Clear of Items at Dog Height
Similar to 'don't eat the yellow snow', avoid picking produce at dog height... Especially on public trails. It's just not worth it.