How and When to Prune Lavender

Posted by Shannen Godwin on 17th Jun 2021

How and When to Prune Lavender

Lavender are fast-growing perennials require little upkeep and are very easy to grow. However, they do benefit from an annual prune as this will help maximise flowering and keep your plants looking nice and healthy.

Keep reading our gardening guide to discover exactly when and how to prune Lavender.

When should I prune Lavender?

Late summer through to early autumn is the perfect time to trim your lavender plants. When the last flush of flowers has faded, that's the signal to get out the secateurs and do some pruning.

How do I prune lavender?

Using secateurs or scissors, simply prune the plant stems down to about an inch above the wood. This cut will help with air circulation. Also, trim away any dead or damaged stems for a tidier look.

Here are even more reasons why pruning lavender is important...

  • When left to their own devices, lavender can become woody and less productive over time.
  • If you want your lavender to flower along with other plants, prune their stems to delay their flowering time.
  • Expand their flowering time throughout the whole season.

Shop our full range of Lavender.