Posted by Shannen Godwin on 17th Jun 2021
How to Prune Your Roses
Roses are a hardy plant and are often happy to grow undisturbed, so it can be difficult to tell when to prune your roses. However, light pruning at the right time of year helps to promote healthy growth and flowering as well as helping to maintain a sensible size for your rose plant.
To see your beautiful roses effortlessly bloom year after year, it's best to prune them at the start of each year. But when? and how?
Keep reading this rose pruning guide to find out how and when you should be pruning your roses.
When Should You Prune Your Roses?
Your pruning window may be slightly
different depending on where you live. For example, if you live in the south,
you can get away with pruning in mid-February. If you live further north, you
should probably wait until March when the weather is warmer. Pruning can also
depend on the type of rose plant.
Rose Shrubs
should be well pruned in mid-March in Southern England, or in the second week
of April when you get further north.
Climbing Roses
shouldn't be pruned for two years after planting and then only sparsely,
removing unnecessary growing tips. It's best to prune this rose type in autumn.
How to Prune Roses - Best Methods
For most roses, you can prune in late winter. Take care to remove dead/diseased wood and deadhead faded blooms which can be done with your annual pruning. Cut no more than 5mm above a bud with a clean, sloping cut away from the bud so water cannot gather. Keep your secateurs sharp for a clean cut.