Our Top 10 Easy Gardening Secrets

Posted by Esther Roberts on 17th Jun 2021

Our Top 10 Easy Gardening Secrets

If you're new to gardening, it might feel like there's so much to learn and so little time to learn it in. This is completely normal, as there are so many different plants and flowers that require individual attention and care.

We have pulled together a list of 10 secrets you should know before getting started for an easy gardening process.

Perennials require your patience

Perennial plants are a gardeners bread and butter. However, they can take 2-3 years to grow to their full height and potential. This is completely normal, but something to bear in mind when planning your seasonal displays.

Pick a Season

Before starting your gardening journey, decide on a specific flowering season before buying plants and flowers. It's best to learn the basics in one season at a time, rather than trying to master them all at once.

Know Your Hardiness Zone

Wherever your live, you will have a hardiness zone. This tells you which plants will survive different weather conditions in your area. For example, you might struggle to find winter flowers that thrive in your garden if you often experience particularly harsh weather.

Dead Heading Flowers Promotes Healthy Growth

If you're new to gardening, dead heading healthy buds might seem ridiculous, but there is method to the madness. Many flowers will fade before their season has ended, leaving your display feeling sad and dejected. Deadheading your flowers will encourage the bulb to continuously provide new flowers to keep your display looking fresher for longer.

Understand Your Plants Needs

Specifically, how much sunlight does your plant need? Failure to plan will decrease your plants chance of survival throughout the season. Make sure you know where to grow each plant and how much sunlight it will need to grow properly.

Make Your Own Mulch and Compost

Natural compost and mulch will do your plants more good than chemical fertilizers. Going DIY on your plants will also help the environment, reducing your carbon footprint where it matters. Read our blog on how to create a sustainable garden for more information on DIY compost.

Spring Flowering Bulbs

By general rule of thumb, plant your hardy spring-flowering bulbs in autumn before the first frosts. Cover with mulch to keep warm and protect against the harsh winter weather.

Know Your Soils Quality

If you've recently started gardening or have just moved into a new home, you may not know if your soil is plant ready. The best soil is well-drained, filled with natural amendments such as organic compost and manure. It should accept water easily, and only use fertilizer if you know it's organic.

Water Your Plants Correctly

Many online sources might tell you to water your plants regularly, especially throughout summer. However, it's usually best to give your ground plants a deep watering once a week to make sure the water reaches the root. Regular light watering only dampens the top of the soil and doesn't actually reach the root.

Be In Control of Your Weeds

Weeds are a gardeners worst nightmare. By their nature, they are annoying and stubborn, and it can be easy to grab a toxic weeding solution to get rid of the problem quickly. However, the most effective way to weed your garden is by hand or by hoe. Take your time to ensure the entire weed is out of the ground.