Planting Iris


Iris are a popular choice for late winter, spring or early summer for their interesting colours and shapes. These particular Iris, Iris Germanica, are summer flowering perennial varieties. They are tall, bearded Iris with delicate ruffled flowers and sturdy grey-green leaves. They will brighten up your summer display and add a bit of elegance and intrigue. Jeff’s how to grow Iris video tutorial will make growing these fascinating flowers easier than you thought with great tips and advice to get the most out of your plants.

Video Transcript

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0:00 Irish germanica German iris they are

0:04 really really lovely plants and a huge

0:06 huge variety color and semi colors and

0:09 shades of colors that you can possibly

0:12 imagine very easy to grow like a lot of

0:15 Sun now it's it's a rhizome like this

0:18 and that's got to be baked by the Sun

0:20 you can plant Li straight out into your

0:22 borders and they'll grow away quite

0:24 happily and be left alone and formed

0:26 quite a big clump I'm I'm as with most

0:29 in gardening I want it I want it now and

0:32 I want it quicker so I'm going to plant

0:34 them in pots just to actually bring them

0:36 on before I actually put them out in

0:38 borders few pebbles I've got these old

0:41 decorative pebbles any sort of pebbles

0:44 do just for the drainage because they

0:46 don't like to be water lost most plants

0:48 don't what they what they really want is

0:51 a damp moisture rich compost but not

0:55 soaking wet now the roots come like this

0:59 this anchor roots and the roots will

1:01 automatically drag this plant down this

1:03 is where the feedings coming from the

1:05 fine fibrous roots the big thick fleshy

1:08 roots are really the anchor roots they

1:09 hold it into the ground now they will go

1:12 quite nicely on there more compost in

1:16 the bottom to cover those roots bear in

1:19 mind that you hold the rhizome up all

1:21 the time keep that because that only

1:24 goes on the very surface of the compost

1:28 now I'm going to plant these on so you

1:31 push that down make it nice and firm

1:34 push that into the top of the compost

1:37 and sort of only half plant it if you

1:42 like

1:42 only half bury that that corn because as

1:45 much as soon as we can get onto that

1:48 rhizome there is what we need to beat

1:52 down on that because that creates the

1:54 food that creates the leaves and the

1:56 flower and the flowers are magnificent

1:58 beautiful bearded iris are up in a clump

2:01 or a joy to the eye they really are and

2:04 the varieties and colors that they bring

2:05 out now is endless iris are a great

2:09 variety of plants whether you buy them

2:10 and plant them in the autumn or in the

2:12 spring makes

2:13 no difference if you do it in the autumn

2:15 just make sure you cover them over with

2:17 them all just for the worst of the frost

2:18 but otherwise that both do very well

2:21 now a few varieties to keep an out for

2:23 loop-de-loop creamy white gala Madrid

2:27 purple with a red by color superstition

2:31 dark dark blue almost black nigh

2:34 belongin yellow and purple how would

2:37 weed orange red bicolor and chanted one

2:41 yellow purple and bronze Sultan's Palace

2:44 has a name rich velvet orange red or

2:48 nightfall purple near black bicolor I

2:51 tell you what the variety really is

2:54 endless for color but they're wonderful

2:57 plants and I'll give you a joy for many

2:59 years to come bliss and that's all you

3:02 need to do with that that'll route quite

3:04 happily it's the end of fed now I'm

3:07 going to grow that on let the frost get

3:09 by let the ground warm up a bit bear in

3:11 mind that the ground and the air

3:13 temperature is slightly different so

3:14 this will go out probably May time when

3:18 when the grounds warmed up nicely that

3:20 will grow grow away and I'm looking

3:23 forward to some beautiful flowers off

3:24 that a big clump of different colors

3:27 different varieties they really are a

3:29 beautiful range of plants

3:39 so six weeks on in the pot and these

3:42 Irish germanica are going in now it's

3:46 quite shady this garden and there's not

3:48 too many hot spots but this is quite a

3:50 good one this spot along here catches a

3:52 lot of Sun and that's what they need

3:54 they need a baking Sun to feed that ball

3:57 to throw a good flower and the flowers

4:00 spectacular

4:00 so I'm trying it in this spot it might

4:03 or it might not work but I think it

4:04 might and when it does the pictures are

4:07 going to speak spectacular fantastic

4:09 Irish germanica you can't go wrong for a

4:12 show

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