Planting Peonies


Peony produce gigantic fragrant flowers in increasing numbers year after year. They are fantastic for a glamorous addition to your garden and growing them is made easier than ever with this terrific how to planting guide. Our selection below offers highly impressive varieties with huge flowers offering magnificent colours for a superb garden display or terrific cut flower additions.

Video Transcript

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0:00 well it's cold and damp outside but

0:01 inside the shed it's lovely and cozy

0:04 and we're getting ahead of the game as

0:06 always looking on the bright side

0:08 pianist now i do like paintings my mum

0:10 like peonies so i like peonies

0:13 and

0:14 these loose grown ones are the best

0:16 you see they're starting to bud

0:18 they've just arrived in the post just

0:20 like this

0:21 look at that they're beautiful things

0:23 those are bursting with health ready to

0:25 go

0:25 and it's so simple to do

0:27 but fully enough the one thing that

0:29 penis hates and they're very

0:31 accommodating really the one thing they

0:33 hate is being disturbed

0:35 so to grow them on for say get ahead of

0:38 the game for six weeks early what you've

0:40 got to do is a few crocks in the bottom

0:42 of your pot

0:44 just like that that's allows the

0:46 moisture to drain away and it's it

0:48 makes life easy for the peony

0:51 a good layer of compost in the bottom

0:54 and then your peony

0:56 you can see where it's growing the eyes

0:58 are coming out so it obviously goes that

1:00 way up

1:01 and i'll tell you what these are really

1:03 lovely plants

1:04 for best quality you can buy these

1:06 absolutely barn on

1:08 place that in there

1:11 now the beauty of the next thing is

1:13 these resent disturbances so what you're

1:14 going to do is you're going to grow it

1:16 on in this pot we're going to mix a

1:18 little a fish blood and bone this is but

1:20 grow more

1:22 bone meal would do just a general

1:23 fertilizer because it's a gross feed it

1:26 puts on a lot of growth lots of foliage

1:29 just mix that in with the next layer of

1:31 compost that you're putting on

1:34 so you put a good layer of compost it's

1:35 a multi-purpose compost so it's got feed

1:37 in it anyway

1:39 a good layer of multi-purpose compost in

1:42 now the only thing you're going to do

1:44 with this is put it outside not inside

1:47 not in a greenhouse

1:49 just outside it's used to the cold and

1:51 the damp it's been dug up out of a field

1:55 place press that in tap it down now that

1:58 goes outside now it resents disturbance

2:01 it doesn't like it if you dig a plant up

2:02 a peony plant in the garden and move it

2:05 it won't like you for it

2:08 if you plant it at all wrong it will

2:10 dislike you intently and probably not

2:13 flower for you with this

2:16 as that's grown in the pot when you come

2:17 to pot it on

2:19 knock it out dig the hole

2:21 the same size

2:23 put it in the same level that's the

2:25 important thing keep that

2:27 at the same level of soil

2:29 plant that in and it won't know it's

2:31 been disturbed and it will grow on and

2:33 you're six weeks ahead of the game but

2:35 peony flowers are beautiful

2:37 and the few varieties that you get are

2:39 doubles and they're stunning things now

2:42 there's lots and lots of varieties of

2:43 peonies

2:44 there's three really good ones that to

2:46 start off with that's a double peony

2:48 called sarah boonhart most people know

2:50 that one it's a double pink

2:52 or the alba plena which is creamy white

2:56 rubra plena dark red those are the three

2:59 main ones beautiful colors but then

3:01 there's others peony top brass are

3:03 tri-coloured white outer petals with a

3:06 yellow and pink ruffled center

3:08 oh i tell you what that's worth growing

3:10 or peony bowl of beauty

3:13 gigantic bowl shaped flowers pink with a

3:15 creamy center

3:16 penny lactaphoria sorbet

3:19 that's a mouthful lactoflora sorbet

3:22 spectacular triple layered blooms of

3:24 pink and cream coral sunset deep orange

3:28 buckeye bell giant semi-double deep

3:30 maroon flowers

3:32 or mrs gf hammerick deep rose and yellow

3:36 ruffled centers i wonder what mrs

3:38 hammerick was like

3:39 but i tell you what she could have been

3:41 any prettier than these double flowered

3:43 peonies beautiful

3:45 try and plant it out the wind if you can

3:47 because they don't like a lot of

3:48 whapping about because it tends to

3:50 damage the flowers but other than that

3:52 it's an absolute must for a decent

3:54 garden

3:55 peonies can't go wrong

4:04 now i am well pleased with these they're

4:06 beautiful the buds are starting to come

4:08 out nice sheltered spot just by the

4:10 garage here so the wind's not going to

4:12 blow around too much but they're

4:14 beautiful look at the growth just

4:15 remember the few little things

4:17 the same depth as in the pot the same

4:19 depth in the ground and if you can try

4:22 and put them in a place where you know

4:23 you're just going to leave them alone

4:24 and they look beautiful and

4:26 they'll actually perform every year

4:29 they hate being moved around so if you

4:31 can avoid it don't do it but

4:33 peonies are beautiful and most in

4:35 anybody's garden these beautiful things

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