Posted by Shannen Godwin on 17th Jun 2021
When to Plant Tulips
The pinnacle of spring! These popular spring flowers have been loved for centuries due to their bright colours and attractive patterns, as well as their versatility and long-flowering abilities. Since bulb planting season kicks off at the end of September, learn when to plant tulip bulbs in the UK and grow a beautiful garden filled with delightful tulip flowers.
Keep reading our easy
gardening guide to discover when, where and how to plant tulip bulbs.
When do you plant tulip bulbs?
The perfect time to plant tulip bulbs is in the autumn. They can be planted from September to December. Remember that the later you plant them, the later they'll flower!
Where can you plant Tulips?
These easy to grow blooms grow in any kind of well draining soil. For small spaces, plant tulips in containers or patio pots. For larger spaces, plant them in groups of 10-15 bulbs in beds and borders.
How doyou plant Tulip bulbs?
Plant bulbs about 8-10cm deep and approx 15cm apart. To give your bulbs a boost, use a little bonemeal or super phosphate mixed in with the soil. For happy plants, position your tulips in full sun.
Shop our full range of tulip bulbs online. Read our full tulip growing guide here for advice on when, how, and where to plant your tulips.
op Tulips for Your Displays
Wondering where to start with picking tulips? We always recommend planting a few different species' in one display to prolong the flowering window. Here are some top picks to get you started!
Tulip Amazing Grace
Tulip Amazing Grace is a double early tulip that produces fluffy fuchsia pink flowers. Plant with the following tulips for a standout spring display. Perfect for borders and containers; preferably somewhere sheltered as strong winds can shake the blooms.
Tulip Slawa
Tulip Slawa is a triumph tulip that produces bicoloured blooms in shades of purple and orange. This particular variety is often planted in large swathes throughout a border, but make a gorgeous partner plant too!
Tulip Spring Green
Tulip Spring Green is a striking Viridiflora tulip that produces silky cream and green petals. The green is striped across each petal elegantly. A perfect pick for planting with brighter blooms like Amazing Grace, or whatever you fancy!