​Vegetable Seeds to Sow in Summer

Posted by Amber Williams on 21st Jun 2023

​Vegetable Seeds to Sow in Summer

Green seedlings outside in vegetable patch

Summer an important season for sowing your favourite vegetable seeds, and with the weather so nice, it’s the perfect opportunity to start growing your own produce.

Here are just a few examples of vegetable seeds you can sow in summer to get you started.


Lettuces like ‘Lettuce All Year Round’ are perfect for beginners as they quite literally produce leaves all year round. They can be sown indoors from March to April and September to November but can be grown directly outside any time between March and September.

Sow these seeds successionally for a non-stop supply of leafy greens throughout the season.


Varieties like Purple Sprouting Broccoli can be sown outdoors from April to July. Perfect for an autumn harvest.

Hands holding winter purple broccoli


Some cabbages can be sown for months on end outdoors, providing you with glorious cabbages the next spring. Varieties like Cabbage Wong Bok (Chinese Cabbage) are perfect for the job. This particular variety can be sown outdoors any time between April and September.


Beetroot seeds like Beetroot Chioggia can be sown outdoors from May to July. Later sowing in July provides baby beets in autumn. If you have a polytunnel, sowing in late August and September.

Harvesting beetroot at the allotment


Turnips can be sown any time from April to August for an autumn harvest. Varieties like Turnip Snowball are great to start with.


Swede seeds can be sown from May until late July for harvest in November and December. Try varieties like Swede Best of All.  

Want to explore our full vegetable seed range? Shop them on our website today. Perfect for any allotment lovers or vegetable patch owners.